Saturday, January 5, 2008

My 501 mile run

I haven't blogged in a few days, which I try to avoid doing. Continuity is important.

Anyway, I made it from Houston to Brownsville yesterday and dropped off my trailer at the folks who are taking it down to Mexico shortly. It didn't help that there were actually three different addresses or sets of directions sent for this particular trip... I guessed wrong the first time, then got it right the second.

I spent the night next to one of the numerous super Wal-Marts in the area, primarily because it was two blocks away from where I dropped my trailer. I awoke this morning feeling ill and vaguely hungry, so I drove around to find someplace to get something to eat at 4 AM. Denny's was the winner. I threw up a bit before eating, as opposed to after, so it wasn't all bad.

Got another monster weekend run: 501 miles to Lake Charles, Louisiana to deliver Monday morning at 10 AM. No biggie, I'm highlighted for Joplin now so my days waiting will count towards the deadline to send me home.

I had to pick up an empty trailer to bring over to this particular place to exchange for my full one, so I was sent to a different shipper we use that had some spares on hand. Lets just say the security there wasn't exactly air tight and the trailers had a variety of missing or substituted parts. Ah, Mexico.

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