Since I find myself with some, er, extra time I decided to go back through my paperwork and figure out how much money I made at CFI during my first driving year.
I started driving on December 1, 2006 and from that point until December 15, 2006 I grossed $1,895.47. That was all that was paid in 2006, as the last half of December's pay was issued on January 4, 2007 and thus falls on this year's taxes.
This year, for the period ending November, 30, 2007 and including the last two weeks of 2006, I grossed $40,081.97. Combined, I made a total of $41,977.44 in my first 12 months of driving. I am also entitled to a week's vacation pay, which will be roughly $807.25, for a grand total of $42,784.69. Since the vacation pay is 1/52nd of what you make over a year, that also happens to be my weekly average gross take home pay.
During my first 12 months I drove 131,711 paid miles (an additional 4% or so more than that were driven "out of route", meaning I didn't take the shortest route between two stops. This is below average, I believe). Dividing the pay by the miles shows I averaged about 32.5 cents per mile, starting from 26 CPM during training and ending up at 36 CPM after 120,000 miles. This includes minor amounts of income for being delayed places, holiday pay, safety pay and the like.
Assuming I work the following 12 months for CFI and achieve the same number of miles, my gross pay should be approximately $49,000, or a difference of about $6,000 since I will make more per mile during the entire year this upcoming year.