I have a theory about getting dispatches: if I'm waiting on one, the thing that makes them arrive instantly is taking off my shoes and going in back to lie down on my bed. It seems like there is a pressure sensor or something under the bunk that forces our dispatching crew to come up with something in a nanosecond. Or, I could be imagining things.
This morning after I dropped off the 650-odd HDTVs at Sony I had just sat down when my buzzer went off with a new load... and a happy Thanksgiving we will have this year!
First, I'm deadheaded north about 160 miles to Erie, Pennsylvania to pick up a load going to my own personal favorite terminal (not, but it will do in this instance), Laredo, Texas! A whopping 1,715 miles across the midwest to the border:
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I'm given until the morning of the 23rd to get it there, known in the retail sales industry as Black Friday.
Finally, a nice, long, don't-have-to-load-or-unload-every-day, just drive it, make my own hours, set my own path, kinda trip.
Thanksgiving, indeed.