Today I ran almost 700 miles from Winslow, Arizona to Sayre, Oklahoma. I started long before dawn and a few miles outside of Winslow I came across a gigantic freeway traffic jam caused by a wrecked 18 wheeler, evidently with some hazmat. Fortunately it was the westbound traffic that was stopped.
I passed mile after mile of parked and idling big rigs. Almost all of the cars had made u-turns in the median to head back the way they came. Given that this was at about 5 AM local time, that many stopped trucks would indicate hours of traffic being stopped completely. I have a good digital camera but I can't get good shots at night or I would have stopped to take a picture of miles and miles of stopped bigrigs, their brake lights and chicken lights gleaming off in the distance.
Within the hour the temperature had dropped from just above freezing to just below and I was in near blizzard conditions. Visibility started okay, but eventually required slowing down to 25-30 MPH or so for about a half hour. It remained very cold until the eastern half of New Mexico, but warmed quickly from there through Texas. By the time I arrived in Oklahoma it was 72 degrees out and the air conditioning was on.